What Brings You Joy?

My daughter is trying to break her own record
for most times off the rope swing
at our local swimming pool. Can one make a career
of rope swinging? Is it taught
at universities? Is it an Olympic event?
Is there enough money in it
to support it, even as a hobby?
I don't know what our taxman will say
if we try to deduct expenses. Look,
I'll tell him, it's not just an obsession,
it's a passion. It's Art, for crying out loud.
Yes, she's only ten. The taxman
is probably right in thinking she should stick
with her schoolbooks a while longer.
But all the greats start young.
Each time she reaches the head of the line
I stand up to watch. She doesn't look
at me; this girl has focus.
Meanwhile, I'm attempting to break my own record
for best parent of a ten-year-old girl.
If no one notices, it doesn't matter.
I don't do it for recognition. I don't do it
for the tax breaks. I do it for joy.


  1. How simply and completely joyous a picture of mother love. That's living in the moment.

  2. Thank you, Carolynne!

    I wrote this last summer (09) when Emma had a goal to swim every day. She may have missed one or two days, but I thought it was a great goal.

  3. I remember, as if it were yesterday, when you put Emma in my arms and I wondered how to hold such joy, and she remains joyous


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